













  1. Hung, S. T. & Huang, H. T. (2019). Standardized Proficiency Tests in a Campus-Wide English Curriculum A Washback Study. Language Testing in Asia, 9, 21. [Scopus].
  2. Hung, S. T. (2019). Creating Digital Stories: EFL Learners’ Engagement, Cognitive and Metacognitive skills. Educational Technology & Society. 22(2), 26-37. [SSCI]
  3. Huang, H., & Hung, S. (2018). Investigating the strategic behaviors in integrated speaking assessment, System, 78, 201-212. [SSCI].
  4. Hsiao, Y. C., Lin, Y., Hung, S. T. (2018). An Investigation of the Washback Effects of an Intensive Test-Preparation Program on EFL Learning. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 15(1), 81-99. [Scopus]
  5. Huang, H., Hung, S., & Plakans, L. (2018). Topical knowledge in L2 speaking assessment: Comparing independent and integrated speaking test tasks. Language Testing, 35(1), 27-49. [SSCI].
  6. Huang, H., & Hung, S. (2017). Test-takers’ feedback on integrated speaking assessment. TESOL Quarterly, 51, 166-179. [SSCI].
  7. Hung, S. T. A. (2016). Enhancing feedback provision through multimodal video technology. Computers and Education, 98, 90-101. [SSCI].
  8. Huang, H., Hung, S., & Hong, H. (2016). Test-taker characteristics and integrated speaking test performance: A path-analytic study. Language Assessment Quarterly, 13(4), 283-301. [SSCI].
  9. Hung, S.-T. A. & Huang, H.-T. D. (2015). Blogs as a learning and assessment instrument for English-speaking performance. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(8), 1881-1894. [SSCI].
  10. Hung, S.-T. A. & Huang, H.-T. D. (2015). Video Blogging and English Presentation Performance: A Pilot Study. Psychological Reports, 117(2), 614-630. [SSCI].
  11. Hung, S.-T. A. & Huang, H.-T. D. (2013). Portfolio Assessment. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp.1–7). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  12. Huang, H., & Hung, S. T. (2013). Comparing the effects of test anxiety on independent and integrated speaking test performance. TESOL Quarterly, 47(2), 244-269. [SSCI].
  13. Huang, H. T. & Hung, S. T. (2013). Exploring the utility of a video-based online EFL discussion forum. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(3), E90-E94. [SSCI].
  14. Hung, S. T. (2012). A washback study on e-portfolio assessment in an EFL teacher preparation program. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(1), 21-36.
  15. Hung, S. T. (2011). Pedagogical applications of Vlogs: An investigation into ESP learners’ perceptions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(5), 736-746. [SSCI].
  16. Huang, H. T. & Hung, S. T. (2010). Examining the practice of a reading-to-speak test task: Anxiety and experience of EFL students. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11(2), 235-242. [SSCI].
  17. Huang, H. T. & Hung, S. T. (2010). Implementing electronic speaking portfolios: Perceptions of EFL students. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(5), 84-88. [SSCI].
  18. Hung, S. T. & Huang, H. T. (2010). E-portfolio-based language learning and assessment. International Journal of Learning, 17(7), 313-336.
  19. Huang, H. T. & Hung, S. T. (2010). Effects of electronic portfolios on EFL oral performance. Asian EFL Journal, 12(2), 192-212.
  20. Hung, S. T. (2009). Authentic assessment in the classrooms: EFL teachers’ perceptions, practices, and concerns. Journal of Humanities, 8, 307-329.
  21. Hung, S. T. (2009). Promoting self-assessment strategies: An electronic portfolio approach. Asian EFL Journal, 11(2), 129-146.


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1. 108年度科技部「探討學生在科技導向任務中語言表現、參與程度、自我效能、動機與團體動能:以擴增實境為例之準實驗研究」計畫

2. 106年度科技部「探究多模態英語數位敘事創作中學生之認知與後設認知技能、合作學習與英語口語能力」計畫

3. 104年度科技部「透過虛擬視訊系統提升英語口語溝通意願、自我效能與溝通策略(兩年期) 」計畫

4.109年教育部「探討職前英語教師製作翻轉課程與教學影片中的創意自我效能 (2020~2021) 」計畫

5.108年教育部「翻轉教學之實踐:職前英語教師之合作學習對翻轉教案品質與試教表現之影響(2019~2020) 」計畫

6.107年教育部「翻轉教學方法與英語教師培育之融合: 探討科技學科教學知識(TPACK)與參與程度之關係 (2018~2019)」計畫


✪ Taiwan International ESP Journal 期刊主編 (http://tiespj.org)

✪ Language Education and Assessment 期刊副主編 (https://www.castledown.com/journals/lea/

✪ 科技部人文司語言學門複審委員  

✪ 臺灣英語文教學研究學會理事、臺灣專業英語文學會常務理事

✪ 科技部語言學門教育學門專題計畫審查

✪ 教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新計畫初審委員、複審委員

✪ 商業週刊「商務即用簡報英語力」講座講者、紡織業拓展協會「國際行銷商務英文實務應用」講座講者、美國在台協會「美語走天下」講者

✪ 國際期刊審查 (Computers & Education, Computer Assisted Language Learning, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Critical inquiry in Language Studies, Writing & Pedagogy, System, Journal of Asia TEFL, Journal of English for Academic Purposes...etc)

