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【Activity Information】Mandarin Speech Contest for International Students at NTUST

Who can participate

All international students of NTUST with a valid Student ID and speaking Mandarin as the second language are welcome to sign up for the competition.《Download》《下載中文簡章》

How to register

Come to Language Center (IB-207) with your Student ID for registration from

09:30 to 17:00 by Nov. 7.

The Contest                

Date:  November 14 (Thu.) 18:30 ~ 21:30

Venue: IB302

Group A:     For students of or below Level 2 class

                        (Contestants can read tongue twisters or poems, introduce himself/herself or a country or have a conversation with partners etc. A team can consist of no more than 3 contestants.)

time: 1 ~ 1.5 minute

Group B:      For students of or above Level 3 class

                        (The topic can be living/studying/travelling experiences in Taiwan,

cultural shock etc.)

                        time: 5 ~ 5.5 minutes

  • Visual aids can be applied.



                        Pronunciation                              20%

                        Tones / articulation                      20%

                        Content                                         30%

                        Manner / body language             20%

                        Time control                                10%

  • Contestants must submit the topic of speech to fongpei50@mail.ntust.edu.tw by Nov. 12.
  • 20 contestants or teams for each group as the maximum.
  • The top 3 contestants for each group will receive a certificate and a gift.
  • Contestants must sign in at IB302 by 18:00 on 11/14, or will be disqualified.
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