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To enhance students' TOEIC performance, equip them with workplace competitiveness, and improve their English communication skills, the Language Center (hereafter referred to as "the Center") organizes an intensive TOEIC Camp. This course, conducted by English Tutors for 3 hours one day a week, is designed to boost students' TOEIC effectiveness.


Eligibile Applicants:

(1) Undergraduate and graduate students of NTUST.

(2) Priority will be given to applicants who have scored between 500 to 750 on the official TOEIC test.


Class Rules:

(1) There will be two classes, each with 15 students.

(2) The classes will be taught by the English tutors from the Language Center, with one 3-hour session per week, spanning five weeks.


Registration Method:

(1) Fill out the online registration form (Link: https://forms.gle/Dp8vxfCKZzDwMyU1A).

  【Please upload the three items below online.

  1. Certificate of Study (please download from the student information system).

  2. Screenshot of the Post-office account on the student information system (please take a screenshot from the student information system).

  3. Photocopy of your own Post-office account passbook cover.

(2) Please complete the form with the above three items from February 26th (Monday) to March 14th (Monday) by 12:00 noon at the latest (late submissions will not be accepted).

(3) If the number of registrations exceeds 30, a lottery system will be used.


Admission Notice:

The Language Center reserves the right to delay the announcement of admission information. If the information is not published on the date specified in the prospectus, the relevant process information will be postponed.


Class Schedule and Content:

(1) Class Duration: A total of five weeks.

(2) Class Venue: Classroom locations will be based on announcements made on the Language Center's official website.


Refund Policy for the Deposit:

(1) The deposit will not be refunded in any of the following cases:

  1. Absence totaling 4 hours or more.

  2. Failure to submit a 400-word reflection.

  3. Failure to submit a copy of the official TOEIC exam transcript for the session of May 26th, 2024.

(2) The Language Center follows a refund process, and to protect the rights of students, no special exceptions will be provided to students who do not meet the refund conditions mentioned above. Please carefully consider this before registering.


Detailed information is primarily based on the regulatioins in the announcement!!


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